St. Mark is a community of faith, rooted in the love of Jesus Christ, growing, serving and transforming lives. Our mission is to reach the lost, teach the faithful and inspire for ministry.
You have not come to this site by accident, but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As you visit, do it with prayer. Our prayer is that as you look and read, you will be touched and inspired. We hope that by that same inspiration you will come, see and experience St. Mark on Sunday at 10 am (see directions here) and if it is the Lord's will become a part of us and allow us to be a part of you. May God continue to bless you on your spiritual journey.
IN-PERSON WORSHIP RESUMES (Masks Optional). All safety precautions while in the building remain in effect. In preparation, read the Guidelines for In-Person Worship at St. Mark UMC – Hanover for additional information. For those who test positive for COVID, please follow the St. Mark Policy and Protocol for Individuals Testing Positive. In addition, we have also included the CDC guidance for personal care for those who have or suspect that they have COVID.