Other Ministries

Other Ministries

Acolyte Ministry

As part of the Worship Ministry, the Acolytes light the candles to open the service. They start at age eight and end at about age thirteen. They are trained to bring the light into the church and take the light out to remind us to take our light out into the world. 

Church Historians

This ministry keeps historical documents of the congregation in order to preserve the heritage and identity of the congregation. This ministry helps to remind the congregation of its identity as God's presence in a particular location.

Communications Ministry

This ministry oversees and coordinates the communications that go from the congregation to its members and to the community, such as print, electronic newsletters, announcements, telephone contacts, website, radio spots, programming, and broadcast journalism. 

Commission on Status and Role of Women (COSROW)

This ministry identifies the goals of the congregation and advocates for women whose skills and gifts will support and expand the ministry goals. They ensure that women of all ages have opportunities to consider ways they may fully express their Christian discipleship in their careers, occupations and daily living.

Communion Stewards

The Methodist Church has rich traditions to draw upon when it comes to celebrating Holy Communion. Communion service is held on the first Sunday each month. The Communion Stewards secure and prepare Communion elements for service.

Greeters Ministry

Greeters, a part of the Worship Ministry, welcome guest at the welcome center and present them with guest cards for completion as they enter the building. It is the goal of St. Mark’s greeters to make all guests feel important and welcomed.

Healthy Coalition Ministry

The Healthy Coalition Ministry's main goal is to provide the church family and community with helpful information on making choices that will assist in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We have participated in Men and Women's Day programs, exercise classes, paint nights, greeting returning military persons, Homeless Resource Day and collection of toiletries for the homeless. Future plans include assisting with the annual blood drive, health fairs and working in conjunction with other health related ministries. Currently, we provide a weekly tip/information on staying safe and living healthy during the pandemic.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry oversees the usage of the church kitchen and fellowship hall by St. Mark members as well as non members when there is an event that requires full meals or light refreshments.

Membership Ministry

The Membership Ministry works with the pastor to keep accurate records of members and is accountable (reports annually) to the charge conference through the church council. Records kept by this ministry enable the congregation to know the current reality in planning for growth in professions of faith, baptisms, members and discipleship.

Prison Support Ministry

This ministry empowers and encourages families through scripture, advocacy, group support, and community resource vision to build faithful stable families and understand the justice process. They treat people with dignity, compassion, and respect and provides faith- based support to individuals and families dealing with loved ones who have been incarcerated or to avert delinquent behaviors. They also link with other prison ministries who share in assisting families with these concerns.

Scouting Ministry 

Girl Scouts do more than just sell cookies. The scouting program provides the opportunity for girls to go camping, learn about nature, science and arts and crafts. The St Mark Scouting Ministry addresses the concerns and conditions of children and youth in the community and church so that they grow in their understanding of themselves and the Christian faith and become better equipped for daily living as faithful disciples.

For further information on Girl Scouts of Central Maryland go to www.gscm.org.

SHARE Ministry (Self Help and Resource Exchange) 

The SHARE ministry is an opportunity for individuals, families or organizations to purchase food items - produce and meats, at a lower price and by giving at least 2 hours of community service, monthly.

Ushers Ministry

As part of the Worship Ministry St. Mark Ushers play an important role in keeping the worship service running smoothly. Like the greeters they greet the congregation as well as visitors and interact with them to make them feel welcome.

Worship Ministry

The Worship Ministry leads the congregation in providing opportunities for worship celebration that focus on God. They help people of all ages grow in their understanding of the Gospel, and become better equipped for daily living as faithful disciples.